Consider a 30% reduction in labor cost by introducing automation into your pharmacy.

Pharmacies across the US are experiencing...

  • Decreased reinbursement rates
  • Increased operational costs
  • Diminishing labor pools
  • Ineficient processes

We help 100's of pharmacies across the US solve these issues!

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Benefits of automating single-dose blister cards.

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  • Reduce labor costs
  • Decrease operational expenses
  • Reduce prepackaging
  • Increased reliability (no vacation or sick days)
  • After-hour production
  • Scalability
  • Partnership with workflow consultants

Pharmacy scenario filling 50,000 cards-per-month.

We look at the impact that automation has on a pharmacy running 50,000 cards and what the financial impact would be.

Read the Article Schedule a Demo

Hear from our customers.

Over 300 pharmacies accross the country have chosen to automate their pharmacy with DOSIS Systems.

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Automation Savings Calculator

Estimate the amount of savings you could have using our calculator.

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Low-risk subscription model ensures value every month.

We offer a month-to-month subscription model payment plan. This ensures that your pharmacy realizes the impact of automation or we’ll take it back. No more large capital spending. Let us prove the impact of automation.

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Schedule a demo today!

Our workflow specialists can help analyze whether the total impact of automation would benefit you.

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